Frequently Asked Questions.
Can I trial before paying?
Sure! We encourage all new members to start with our 30 day trial experience. You get access to 8 Personal Training sessions and unlimited Fitness Classes for 30 days. Learn more about The Experience.
What if i'm away or on holiday?
Our price packages at Primal Training Club are calculated to provide value for money based on commitment. We don't charge for individual sessions because when you average out your time spent with us, you'll find that the value for cost is evident even with time away now and again.
What kind of nutrition support is provided?
We offer fast email support to all our members and prioritise help for those who request nutritional support. We also provide a members' only access resource section with added guidance to simplify nutrition.
Can I upgrade my weekly access?
Yes you can 💪🏻. We encourage commitment and love to work with people who genuinely want to become better. We can guarantee you'll want to train more and more when you see results from your hard work!
Can I cancel my package at any time?
All package prices are based on a minimum commitment. Once you have completed the minimum term, your price plan will continue on a rolling monthly contract. If you wish to cancel at any time from that point, we require a 30 day notification period from the 1st of the next month.
What does 'limited access' session count mean?
Don't worry! By no means does this mean you get any less than what you commit to in your initial pricing plan. However, sessions cannot be accumulated and carried over to following weeks. This is as much to help you stay on track as it is for us to be organised for the sake of all our members.
30 Day Trial Questions:
What happens after my 30 day trial?
If at the end of the 30 days you decide that it's not for you, no hard feelings. We accept that we can't be all things to all people. But if you decide that you want to stay and work with us to reach your personal goals, we'll know exactly what workout schedule will be best suited to you.
What if I'm a complete beginner?
Our coaches are professional enough to realise your starting point. As a complete beginner we will see how you move first before throwing you into a programme. Then, when we are happy we will design a programme that is relevant to your ability and goals but also challenging and fun! 💪🏻
How much weight can I expect to lose in 30 days?
We focus on body fat reduction rather than weight loss - and you can expect anywhere between 2-5kgs depending on your adherence to the programmes.
How often does my programme change?
All our programmes are built using a 12 week cycle divided into 3 phases. Each phase is periodised which means as you progress through the programme the difficulty and intensity will increase. Once you have completed a 12 week cycle you will then progress onto a new cycle.
Will I get nutritional advice?
Yes - we need to establish a starting point first so we may ask you for a food diary before we set you any goals. Our aim is to educate you about how simplifying your nutritional intake will likely be key to your long term success and results. 🚀
Can I train at different times on different days?
Sure! Our system is user friendly, flexible and gives youup to 38 training slots throughout the week. Train around your schedule. 🏋🏻